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Site | Description | Link |
Improving oral health: an evidence-informed toolkit for local authorities | Local authorities improving oral health: commissioning better oral health for children and young people | Click here to access |
Delivering Better Oral Health | 'Delivering better oral health' is an evidence based toolkit to support dental teams in improving their patient’s oral and general health. | Click here to access |
Smoke Free and Smiling | This document provides updated guidance for dental teams, commissioners and educators on how they can contribute to reducing rates of tobacco use, and highlights resources available to support them. This second edition of ‘Smokefree and smiling’ helps dental teams play a supportive role in encouraging patients who use tobacco to quit to improve their general and oral health | Click here to access |
Oral Cancer Toolkit | To coincide with Mouth Cancer Action Month in November, Cancer Research UK has launched an oral cancer toolkit. Supported by the British Dental Association and the Royal College of General Practitioners, this online toolkit aims to support dental health professionals and GPs in detecting oral cancer. The toolkit provides information on possible risk factors for oral cancer, signs and symptoms of oral cancer and how to respond. As well as a detailed image library, a referral guide, case studies, oral examination videos and a CPD quiz. The toolkit has been funded by a Department of Health grant and developed in response to the growing problem that oral cancer presents in the UK incidence rates have risen by a third in the last decade and it is one of the few cancers that has a trend of increasing mortality over the past 10 years. With 6 out of 10 oral cancers currently being found at a late stage, there is an urgent need for action to improve awareness and promote earlier diagnosis. Through wide distribution among the GP and dental professions, this toolkit aims to address that need. This resource will be freely accessible to all GPs and dental health professionals. For any queries, please contact tom.hillier@cancer.org.uk | Click here to access |
NICE - Oral Health Promotion: GDP | This guideline covers how general dental practice teams can convey advice about oral hygiene and the use of fluoride. It also covers diet, smoking, smokeless tobacco and alcohol intake. The recommendations cover: • oral health advice given by dentists and dental care professionals • how dentists and dental care professionals can adopt a patient-centred approach Who is it for? • Dentists • Dental care professionals – this includes dental hygienists, dental nurses, dental therapists, dental technicians and orthodontic therapists. • Dental practice owners and managers. • Dental practice administrative staff, including receptionists. • Directors of public health, dental public health consultants and strategic leads who plan local dental services. • Dental bodies corporate. • People responsible for educating dental professionals. • Members of the public | Click here to access |
ORAL HEALTH OF OLDER PEOPLE IN ENGLAND AND WALES Public Health England have published today jointly with BASCD | This publication brings together data from existing national, regional and local surveys of oral health in older people. It combines this information with social, demographic and health data to provide a summary of what we already know about the current and future oral health needs of older people in England and Wales. Congratulations to Gill and Deborah Moore who prepared the report and authors of original surveys and contributors: Maria Morgan, Welsh Oral Health Information Unit Cardiff University, Nigel Monaghan, Anup Karki, Public Health Wales, Wagner Marcenes, Vanessa Muirhead, Desmond Wright, Patricia Evans, Eunan O'Neill, Farida Fortune, West Midlands Dental Epidemiology Programme, Kate-Taylor Weetman, Healthwatch Bolton and Healthwatch Kirklees. North West survey, Gill Davies, Janet Neville and Eric Rooney. | Click here to access |
HIGH FLUORIDE & BOOSTERS; Special Issue Caries Research Caries Research 2016, Vol. 50, Suppl. 1 | The results of a conference on high fluorides and boosters has just been published in Caries Research 2016, Vol. 50, Suppl. 1. The papers are free to access and t DPH colleagues may be interested? | Click here to access |